Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Remember...PLF 2.0 launch is this THURSDAY, March 27th.

PLF 2.0 Launch is at 2:00pm EASTERN,THURSDAY the 27th.

Lately, there's been a lot of questions about Jeff
Walker's Product Launch Formula...

Is a big list required?
How much money do you have to spend?
How long does it take to launch a product?
Does it have to be a niche you're familiar with?
How much can you make on your first day?

Well, this video answers each one.

And THEN some.


In this one-hour-plus video case study, Jeff talks
with internet entrepreneur Todd Brown, who went from
zero to a full-blown six figure business with just
one product launch.

Did you catch that? ZERO---->SIX FIGURES

And here's how he did it.


Now Todd wasn't a complete beginner, but this was a
new niche... he had no list, no web site, no
partners, no contacts, and no real knowledge of the

But six weeks later he had a serious business. This
is an amazing Case Study...


One more thing... you can watch the entire video for
free. You don't even have to give up your email
address or anything.

But you SHOULD go ahead and subscribe to Jeff's
stuff - because he has a bunch more AMAZING videos
that you will get for free.

P.S. The first day of Todd's launch, he made over

Oh, and did I mention that's RECURRING monthly
income--not just a one shot deal?

You gotta hear this...
